Who Deleted My Issues?

Discover Who Deleted My Issues? App:
Track, recover, and secure deleted issues in Jira effortlessly. Keep your data safe and accessible!

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WDMI App Atlassian Marketplace Sevidev 1
Key functionalities #1

Powerful search and filtering engine

Quickly and easily recover your deleted issues with our powerful search and filtering engine. Efficiently find and restore individual or bulk issues. Never lose valuable data again! 💪🔎✨


Keep your issues safe with the backup function

Keep your data safe with our backup function. Save and back up your issues in CSV format, so you can easily restore them whenever you need to. Keep your information always safe and accessible! 💾🔒✨

WDMI App Atlassian Marketplace Sevidev 4
WDMI App Atlassian Marketplace Sevidev 3
Key functionalities #3

Exclude projects for accurate management

Exclude specific projects from the log of deleted issues. Customize your experience and avoid logging issues for projects you don’t want to track. 🗂️🛡️✨

Discover our app from the inside and enjoy the amazing features

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Who Deleted My Issues?

More Details

Easily recover deleted issues in your system.

Use the CSV backup system to restore issues if necessary.

Customize the fields you want to keep from deleted issues.

Delete the log of deleted issues for a tidy database.

Agile and responsive user interface for a smooth experience.

Save comments associated with deleted issues.

Take Control Of Your Deleted Issues

📥 Get Who Deleted My Issues? and never lose track of your deleted issues. Take advantage of our powerful logging and search tool for efficient management of your system.

App mockup Who Deleted My Issues?

Our Happy Clients!

Never before have I had so much control over deleted issues in Jira. Who Deleted My Issues? allows me to search and restore issues efficiently, which has significantly improved project management in my team. I am really impressed with its functionality and ease of use.


Martin Johnson

Project Manager

Who Deleted My Issues? has become a must-have in my work. It’s surprising how easy it is to find and restore deleted issues with this tool. I no longer have to worry about losing important information – I would recommend this app to all development teams using Jira!


Sarah Thompson

Software developer

As a Quality Analyst, data integrity is crucial to my work. With this app, I can exclude specific projects from the registry and ensure the security of my database in Jira. This app has greatly simplified my work and given me peace of mind. It is a must-have tool for any QA team.


Jacob Luke

Quality Analyst

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